Privacy Policy

Thank you for reading the Family Life Software privacy policy. It covers how we collect, use, process, disclose, transfer, and store your personal information.


There is only one person on the team, but policies are always written in “we” form, so it feels a bit strange, but “we’ll” conform to that convention. We focus on making innovative family-friendly software which makes real life better.


This Privacy Policy applies to websites, apps and other services operated by Family Life Software. For simplicity, we refer to all of these as our “services” in this Privacy Policy. All of our services have links to this privacy policy.


We collect information to help provide you excellent experiences with our software. Here are examples of the types of personal information that we collect:

When you visit our website, connect to our services, contact us, use our software, create an account, or subscribe to our newsletter we collect a variety of information, including your email address, first and last name, username, country, device information, IP address, and a record of your communication.

We also collect information generated as you use our services such as crash reports, access logs, date and time you logged in, time spent in the app, features you’ve been using, information about the operating system, time zone, application version, user language, browser type, browser and data, advertising that you click on, advertising identifiers which Google and Apple devices allow you to rotate, usage data, and the pages you access on our Website, network speed, and device identifiers. If use your GOOGLE, FACEBOOK, or APPLE account to login to Family Life Software services. We receive a small amount of your information from your GOOGLE, FACEBOOK, or APPLE account with us such as your public profile details and your email address.

When you use apps which allow you to save information you provide, we collect the content you provided, including data you input regarding any preferences or settings you have given.


Our website, services, apps, email communications and advertisements may use “cookies” and other technologies such as “pixel tags” and “click-through URLs”. This helps us create more valuable experiences for you. We sometimes work with third parties to deliver ads or offers. Each of these technologies use files containing small amounts of information that are saved to your computer or mobile device when you visit a certain webpage or take a certain action. This information is then sent to our service or someone who recognizes that data, such as any of the social networking sites through which you may login to our services. You may opt out of these technologies through settings in your browser or device (for example, Apple and Google), but understand that some features of our services may not work as a result.


We do not share your information with anyone with the following exceptions which improve user experience and comply with legal systems.

We use cloud providers such as AWS to store the information you provide, analytics services such as Google Analytics to better understand how you and others use our services so we can improve them for you, advertising services such as Google Ads, MoPub, and AdButler to pay for services used by non-paying customers, and payment services such as Stripe, Apple App Store, or Google Play Store to allow you to purchase access to our services. We share limited information with sites like Google or Facebook if you use them to login to our services.

We share information as required by legal mechanisms or requests such as a court order, to assist in the detection or prevention of a crime, and to protect the safety of any individual.

We take all reasonable measures to ensure that transmission of your data is secured with industry-standard technology like TLS, and that it is stored with secure methods. The companies with which we do share your information are also legally required to protect it.


You may always request information about your personal information stored by us, to have incorrect data corrected, or to request the deletion of your data. You may do so by going into the account settings in any of our apps. You also have the right to the portability of your personal information. You may opt-out of the future use of your information at any time. We may refuse those requests if they risk the privacy of others, or violate legal record retention requirements, or require extremely taxing time or effort, or when not required by law.


As a family-friendly focused company, we care tremendously about children. We do not knowingly collect information from anyone under the age of 16 without verifiable parental consent. If you are under the age of 16, you must not install our software or create an account with our services. All accounts for children under the age of 16 must be created by a parent. If we discover that we have received any data from a child without parental consent, we work to remove that information immediately.


All questions regarding this privacy policy should be addressed to:

our address